July 21, 2009

Fair Time

We were able to spend some time up at the LaGrange County Fair before we went to church camp. The kids had a great time. Wesley and Ethan were not satisfied until they saw every animal there, and touched most of them. Elizabeth enjoyed watching them from the stroller, but didn't want to get too close. Hopefully this week we will get to the Noble County Fair since it's just a few blocks away, but we will just have to see what the rest of the week has in store for us.

July 13, 2009

Here is an attempt at a family picture. Not bad for 3 kids and 6 adults. Too bad the picture is pretty light. Still a good picture. There is always hope! :)
Matt, Steph, Jeff, Ethan, Elizabeth, Wesley, Andrea, Mom, & Dad
at a wedding in June

July 11, 2009

Let's Try Again

Okay, here's another attempt at keeping up with the blog, but no promises, since we have family camp this week.