October 2, 2009

Reading Time & Some Fun Pictures

Books are a big deal in our house. Everyone loves to read, and we are really thankful for that. Here are just a few reading pictures.

Here are a few fun pictures of the kids. Elizabeth loves to pick out her clothes & shoes. She also loves to put her dresses on, so below is a picture of her at church.

A few weeks ago we went one of Dustin's (Jeff's nephew) football games. The kids all had a great time yelling "Dusty" from the stands. Afterwords he even stopped so they could have their picture taken with him. Of course Elizabeth wouldn't go anywhere near him, but there are a few cute ones of the boys.
Daddy reading to Elizabeth & Ethan.
Wesley reading to Ethan.Elizabeth at church.
Wesley & Dustin after a football game.
Ethan & Dustin after a game.


Jan said...

Elizabeth is getting so big!
Great pictures!

Larimer said...

I love the pic of your nephew picking up the boys! Adorable.