October 15, 2007

Elizabeth Kay Wolheter was born at 12:49 am on October 15th. Here she is later that morning with her proud brothers. She was 8 lbs 1 oz and 21 & 3/4 inches long. We are all doing well. Wesley seems to enjoy her, and Ethan just points at her and says "baby." We will update with more pictures soon!


Logan Family said...

congrats wolheter family! im glad you finally have a little girl, pink is definitally best!

Larimer said...

YEAH!!! Babies!! Everyone loves babies! THe Wolheater Family is the cutest family ever!!!

Most importantly, where did you get that Chick-fil-a shirt???

Jennifer said...

YAAAAYYYYY! Congrats. I was positive I was having a boy, but couldn't be happier with my little Amelia Bedelia!
ps, you're crazy having that many kids.