Here is Wesley enjoying time in his playpen! :) There are around 25 pictures below, we hope you enjoy them all. Some are of our extended family since we were just home for my Grandpa's funeral a few weeks ago. We hope you enjoy and God bless!
This is Bethann, Anna, and Jon Ranous. Jon just graduated from WBS, and we are very excited for them.
again, a caption continued from below: We are sad to see the Ranous' leaving us, but we are excited to see how God is going to use them in the future. We also can't wait until Michael and Albree will be down here with us. Go Mississippi! :)
This is a picutre of us with our friends here in Mississippi, Jon, Bethann, and Anna Ranous. Also with Michael and almost Albree Smith (they are getting married on June 18th in NJ). We love them all, and we are very sad to see the Ranous
Jon, Bethann, Anna, Andrea, Wesley, and Jeff.
Wesley being his cute self. :)
This is the continuation of the caption below. Grandpa would have wanted us to all have a good time together. Listed in the picture from left to right Doug, Dean, Marilyn, Aunt Rosalie, Uncle David, Grandma, Jeff, Andrea, Wesley, Jan, Jackie, Stephanie, Aunt Chris, Rich, and Tim.
The whole family together. It doesn't happen very often. This was a sad occasion, my Grandfather passed away on May 10th. We were very fortunate to have been very close to him. However sad the event was, it was good to see everyone again, and have a good time together. That'
Wesley is into family history just like his Mom and Dad.
Wesley loves pictures too!
Dad playing with Wesley. I think they are both having fun. :)
Wesley crawling around, probably trying to chase the cat.
Aunt Chris and Wesley playing with Wesley's toys. Who is having more fun? :)
Wesley with Mom and Dad.
Cousin Marilyn and Wesley.
Tim, Doug, and Jackie, our cousins from New Jersey.
Grandma Gorton and her sister Aunt Rosalie.
Wesley and GG rocking away.
Wesley playing with Dad.
Wesley found the fridge!
Wesley looking at pictures of Great Grandpa Gorton.
GG (Great Grandma Gorton) and Wesley.
GG and Wesley
Wesley helping Mommy fold clothes!
Wesley at his first baseball game. The Mississippi Braves (the AA team for the Atlanta Braves). Wesley was worn out by the end of the night.